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Spec List

E-sCAIO Family


Model Numbers: E-sCO, E-sCAIO, E-sCAIOV





AGM-Parts/Pioneer Biomedical can repair or exchange.

Works with newer GE and Datex monitors

Small and fits into single slot on module rack

Pneumatic assembly is very reliable



Bench errors can occur frequently.

GE only offers flat rate, expensive repair options.

GE does not offer free loaners (we do)


Operation Information:

PM with tubing and O rings done one a year

CO2 scrubber needs to be replaced every 4 years


Flow rate 120ml/min +/- 20


Calibration Gas:

755571-HEL, Calibration Gas, 5% CO2, 54.5% O2, 36.0% N2O, 2.0% DESFLURANE,BAL N2



Common Error Codes:

Check Sample line:

This error can show up right away or be intermittent.  Usually caused by pneumatics problems.  


Sensor INOP:

This is usually a measurement bench failure.  


Gas Module error:

This is usually a measurement bench failure.




M-CAIO and E-CAIO Family

and Datex Cardio Cap 5


Model Numbers: M-CO, M-CAIO, M-CAIOV,



OEM: Datex/GE




AGM-Parts/Pioneer Biomedical can repair or exchange.

Works with older Datex monitors and some GE monitor systems.

Small and slots into module rack



Very old hardware compared to newer models

No New parts made.  All parts are partially used


Operation Information:

NOTE: When checking flow rate and running gas unit needs a 3 meter sample line.


Flow rate: 200 ml/min +/- 20ml/min


Calibration Gas:

755571-HEL 5% CO2, 54.5 O2, 36.0 N2O, 2% DES



Common Error Codes:

Check D-fend:

This error can show up right away or be intermittent.  Usually caused by pneumatics problems.  


Service Module:

This is usually a failure from the measurement bench or Main PCB.


Unit fails leak check:

Usually is caused by a leak in the pneumatics system.  Most of the time the leak is close to the pneumatics pump.




SAM and SAM 80






AGM-Parts/Pioneer Biomedical can repair or exchange.

Works with older GE Monitors.



Not very reliable.

Very old hardware compared to newer models

Hard to find replacement parts.

No Water traps or calibration gas sold by OEM.

No NEW parts.


Operation Information:

Flow rates: SAM 250ml/min +/- 40ml/min, SAM 80 150ml/min +/- 40ml/min

Older models did not have Aqua knot sensors.  This meant they were unable to detect if an aqua-knot was installed or not.


Calibration Gas:

415858-001(Old OEM model number) SAM al Gas, 4% H23, 5% CO2, 40% N2O/O2, 25 L @ 300 PSIG



Common Error Codes:

Service Module:

Service module error is usually a measurement bench failure.



This is usually a pneumatic or pump related error.


Drum sync error:

Usually a Measurement bench failure.  Can sometimes be fixed without replacing the bench.





G7, 866173

OEM: Philips



AGM-Parts/Pioneer Biomedical can repair or exchange.

Just as reliable as the M1013A/M1019A

Even smaller form factor that fits into a Module Rack

No mounting hardware required due to the unit running in the Module rack.

PM procedure requires only minor part replacement



Doesn’t work with Philips older Monitors.  requires Rev D or higher in MP Series.

No OEM replacement part support.  Can only exchange the entire unit.

Unable to calibrate Gas readings.

Different Water Trap used than all previous units.  

You have to have latest monitor software installed for unit to work


Operation Information:

Need to do all checkout procedures and verification with VISTA 2 software on PC.

Flow: 200 ml/min +/- 20   

Leak: Follow instructions with leak test.


 A. Anesthetic Agent DES Exp 2.00% ±0.5%

 B. CO2 Exp 5.00% ±0.7%

 C. N2O Exp 43% ±6.2%

 D. O2 EXP 50% ± 3%


Calibration Gas:

M1662A about equal to 2.07 Des, 5.02 CO2, 42.9 N2O, Bal O2, 50.01



Common Error Codes:

AGM Malfunction:

This error could be multiple problems.  You will need to hook up to the 4800 software and check the error log for more details.


Error Log Errors:

Unit pump will not turn on:

This failure is usually caused by a defective pump assembly.


Not communicating with software

This is usually a failure with the Main PCB.  Sometimes it requires exchange.







OEM: Philips




AGM-Parts/Pioneer Biomedical can repair or exchange.

Unit a lot more reliable than Previous models(M1026A, M1026B)

Much smaller form factor

PM procedure requires only minor part replacement



Doesn’t work with Philips older Monitors

No OEM replacement part support.  Can only OEM exchange the entire unit.

Unable to calibrate Gas readings.

Completely different form factor than older Philips AGMS.  This will usually require different mounting hardware for the surgery room.


Operation Information:

Need to do all checkout procedures and verification with VISTA software on PC.

Flow: 200 ml/min +/- 20   

Leak: Follow instructions with leak test.


 A. Anesthetic Agent DES Exp 2.00% ±0.5%

 B. CO2 Exp 5.00% ±0.7%

 C. N2O Exp 43% ±6.2%

 D. O2 EXP 50% ± 3%


Calibration Gas:

M1662A about equal to 2.07 Des, 5.02 CO2, 42.9 N2O, Bal O2, 50.01



Common Error Codes:

CO2 reading low:

CO2 gas is reading lower than OEM spec allows.  This is caused by a bench problem.


Unit unable to get to operational mode:

This can be caused by a few problems.  Most likely it is a pneumatic pump failure. 


O2 readings too low at room air:

This is caused by a defective O2 cell.


Unit tries and fails zero calibration:

This can be caused by a defective Pneumatics block or bad O2 cell.  Pay attention to what the gas readings are before it attempts the zero.








OEM: Philips




AGM-Parts/Pioneer Biomedical can repair or exchange.

Works with older and most current Philips Monitors

More reliable than M1026A

Very quick startup and transition to operating mode

Logs all errors into system for easy lookup



Units are much older and parts are harder to find.

DIR bench is proprietary and will have to exchange entire unit if fails

Unable to get new Parts or PM kits.  All parts are USED to some capacity


Operation Information:

Should use 4800 software on the computer for testing and calibration of the unit.

Flow rates : Low – 96 ; HIGH – 160 ; PURGE – 250

*NOTE: If you have to calibrate flows.  Only go to about 210 on purge.  Once out of calibration mode.  Purge flow will be about 40 higher.  DO NOT PAY ATTENTION TO RED ERRORS IN CALIBRATION.  JUST KEEP GOING.


LEAK:  Follow software instructions.  See manual if needed

Calibration: Follow software instructions.  See manual if needed


Calibration Gas:

M1662A about equal to 2.07 Des, 5.02 CO2, 42.9 N2O, Bal O2, 50.01



Common Error Codes:

AGM Malfunction:

This error could be multiple problems.  You will need to hook up to the 4800 software and check the error log for more details.


Error Log Errors:

DPLampoff error:

This is a sign of DIR bench failing.  Most likely will need to exchange the unit.


ENCODER errors:

This is a sign of DIR bench failing.  Most likely will need to exchange the unit.


ABSPRESS errors: 

Can be a sign of pneumatic related error.  If this error is alone without other errors most likely it's a False positive.  You can ignore this error unit other pneumatic related errors show up.

Solenoid errors: Usually sign of pneumatic block problem.  These errors are usually not caused by the Solenoids themselves but the pneumatic block assembly in general.


AmbCO2 errors:

Usually caused by CO2 getting into the sample cell of the DIR head bench from travel or being in a High CO2 environment.  Usually after running a unit in a well ventilated area for 24 hours will fix the issue.





OEM: Philips




AGM-Parts/Pioneer Biomedical can repair or exchange.

All parts are replaceable.

Works with older Philips Monitors

Much cheaper than newer models



Very old compared to other options

Parts harder to come by due to age

Has a high maintenance price due to part failures

Unable to get new Parts or PM kits.  All parts are USED to some capacity


Operation Information:

Unit has 3 modes: Startup, Warmup, and Normal mode *Takes about 12 minutes to be in Normal mode.

Flow: Normal – 150ml/min +/- 15      Purge – 310 ml/min +/- 15

LEAK: Flow meter on gas outlet in back of AGM.  Block front inlet and watch flow.  Needs to drop below 4ml/Min to pass

Calibration :

O2 52% ± 1.0%

CO2 5% ± 0.1%

N2O 40% ± 2.0%

Agent 3% ± 0.1%


Calibration Gas:

M1660A(Old Philips Part #) 3% Halocabon-22, 5% CO2, 40% N2O, 52% O2



Common Error Codes:

Measurement Assembly Malfunction:

This error usually refers to the IR bench assembly problem.


Agent ID Failure:

Usually sign of Agent ID problem.  This error can be intermittent as well.  It will come and go away.


Measurement Optic Path:

This error usually refers to an IR bench failure.


Pneumatic System:

Usually refers to a failure in most likely the air pump assembly.  This also can be caused by leaks or solenoid problems in pneumatic circuits.  


Communication Error:

You will usually see the unit fail to get out of warm up mode.  The unit will never get to normal operation mode.  This can be caused by corrupt or mismatched data on the Main PCB and IR bench.  Or a hardware failure on either the Main PCB or IR bench.







Gas Module III



OEM: Datascope/Mindray




AGM-Parts/Pioneer Biomedical can repair or exchange.

Works with Passport monitors

New Technology.  Parts are still available.



Not supported by OEM.  No new parts available.

You need to mount outside the external monitor


Operation Information:

Leak test: Wait for Module 3 is running in normal mode.  Block gas inlet.  Verify Monitor shows “Occlusion” and enters purge mode.  Wait 10 second for stabilization.  Verify Monitor is showing flow less than 7 mil/min


Calibration Gas:

0075-00-0028 2% DES, 5% CO 2 , 55% O 2 , 33% N 2 O



Common Error Codes:

Check D-fend:

This error can show up right away or be intermittent.  Usually caused by pneumatics problems.  


Service Module:

This is usually a failure from the measurement bench or Main PCB.


Gas Calibration error:

This is caused by a gas Channel failing Gas calibration.  Usually able to fix by recalibrating the unit.


Intermittent low gas readings:

Usually caused by a defective Measurement bench.









Gas Module II (2) and Gas Module SE



OEM: Datascope




AGM-Parts/Pioneer Biomedical can repair or exchange.

Works with Passport monitors



Old hardware compared to newer models

No New parts made.  All parts are partially used


Operation Information:

NOTE: When checking flow rate and running gas unit needs a 3 meter sample line.


Flow rate: 200 ml/min +/- 20ml/min


Calibration Gas:

755571-HEL 5% CO2, 54.5 O2, 36.0 N2O, 2% DES



Common Error Codes:

Check D-fend:

This error can show up right away or be intermittent.  Usually caused by pneumatics problems.  


Gas Outlet blocked:

Usually caused by occlusion in the pneumatics system.  


Service Module:

This is usually a failure from the measurement bench or Main PCB.


Unit fails leak check:

Usually is caused by a leak in the pneumatics system.  Most of the time the leak is close to the pneumatics pump.


Gas Channel no numerics just question mark:

Usually caused by a Gas channel not getting calibrated correctly.  Usually recalibrating units will fix issues.  






AG Gas Module Family


Model Numbers: 6800-30-50502

OEM: Mindray




AGM-Parts/Pioneer Biomedical can repair or exchange.

Works with Mindray monitors

No Mounting hardware needed.  Fits in Module Rack

Newer Technology.  Parts are still available.



Not a lot of part support from OEM.


Operation Information:

Gas cylinder with a certain standard gas (such as 6 ± 0.05% CO 2 , Bal N 2 ), or standard

gas mixture. Gas concentration should meet the following requirements: AA ≥ 1.5%,

CO 2 ≥ 1.5%, N 2 O ≥ 40%, O 2 ≥ 40%, of which AA represents an anesthetic agent (Des,

Sev, Enf, Iso, or Hal). a/c ≤ 0.01 (a is the gas absolute concentration accuracy; c is the

gas concentration)


Common Error Codes:

Not Communicating with Monitor:

This is usually an IR board or Main PCB issue.


Unit fails leak check:

Usually is caused by a leak in the pneumatics system.  Most of the time the leak is close to the pneumatics pump.


Gas Calibration error:

This is caused by a gas Channel failing Gas calibration.  Usually able to fix by recalibrating the unit.


Intermittent low gas readings:

Usually caused by a defective Measurement bench.









OEM: Nihon Kohden




Smaller form factor

PM procedure requires only minor part replacement



Most repairs require replacement of main Sensor heard

Requires special software and cable to do deeper diagnostics

Unable to calibrate Gas readings.


Operation Information:

Need to do all checkout procedures and verification with VISTA software on PC.

Flow: 200 ml/min +/- 20   

 Leak: Follow instructions with leak test.


 A. Anesthetic Agent DES Exp 2.00% ±0.5%

 B. CO2 Exp 5.00% ±0.7%

 C. N2O Exp 43% ±6.2%

 D. O2 EXP 50% ± 3%


Common Error Codes:

CO2 reading low:

CO2 gas is reading lower than OEM spec allows.  This is caused by a bench problem.


External unit failure:

This can be caused by a few problems.  Most likely it is a pneumatic pump failure.  


O2 readings too low at room air: 

This is caused by a defective O2 cell.


Check external device: 

This can be caused by a defective Pneumatics block or bad O2 cell.  Pay attention to what the gas readings are before it attempts the zero.










OEM: Nihon Kohden


*NOTE: Same water trap as

Mindray AG. Internals are similar


Operation Information:

Need to do all checkout procedures and verification with VISTA software on PC.

Flow: 200 ml/min +/- 20   

Leak: Follow instructions with leak test.


 A. Anesthetic Agent DES Exp 2.00% ±0.5%

 B. CO2 Exp 5.00% ±0.7%

 C. N2O Exp 43% ±6.2%

 D. O2 EXP 50% ± 3%


Common Error Codes:






SCIO Family



OEM: Drager




Very reliable



Unable to calibrate


Operation Information:

Need to do all checkout procedures and verification with VISTA software on PC.

Flow: 200 ml/min +/- 20   

 Leak: Follow instructions with leak test.


 A. Anesthetic Agent DES Exp 2.00% ±0.5%

 B. CO2 Exp 5.00% ±0.7%

 C. N2O Exp 43% ±6.2%

 D. O2 EXP 50% ± 3%


Calibration Gas:

0075-00-0028 2% DES, 5% CO 2 , 55% O 2 , 33% N 2 O



Common Error Codes:

CO2 reading low:

CO2 gas is reading lower than OEM spec allows.  This is caused by a bench problem.


External unit failure:

This can be caused by a few problems.  Most likely it is a pneumatic pump failure.  


O2 readings too low at room air: 

This is caused by a defective O2 cell.


Check external device: 

This can be caused by a defective Pneumatics block or bad O2 cell.  Pay attention to what the gas readings are before it attempts the zero.





Vamos Family



OEM: Drager




Operation Information:

Need to do all checkout procedures and verification with VISTA software on PC.

Flow: 200 ml/min +/- 20   

 Leak: Follow instructions with leak test.


 A. Anesthetic Agent DES Exp 2.00% ±0.5%

 B. CO2 Exp 5.00% ±0.7%

 C. N2O Exp 43% ±6.2%

 D. O2 EXP 50% ± 3%


Common Error Codes:








Poet® IQ 8500H Agent Gas Analyzer



OEM: Criticare




Works with Criticare monitors



No long supported by OEM

Need very specialized calibration gas to calibrate


Operation Information:

Need to do all checkout procedures and verification with VISTA software on PC.

Flow: 200 ml/min +/- 20   

 Leak: Follow instructions with leak test.


 A. Anesthetic Agent DES Exp 2.00% ±0.5%

 B. CO2 Exp 5.00% ±0.7%

 C. N2O Exp 43% ±6.2%

 D. O2 EXP 50% ± 3%


Preventative Maintenance Tests:

  • Electrical voltage and leakage testing:

    • Withstanding Voltage(Hi-Pot) test

    • Leakage Performance

  • Power Supply performance

    • Running on battery.  Current from +PWR < 300mA

  • Flow verification

    • 100mL/min. +/- 10mL, 150mL/min. +/- 10m, 200mL/min. +/- 10m

    • Exhaust flow is approximately 100mL/min-200mL/min

  • CO2 Gain/O2 Response verification

    • 5% CO2 +/- 2%, 10% CO2 +/- 2%, 80% O2 +/- 2%

  • Agent N2O verification

    • 1% HAL, 1% ENF, 1% ISO, 4% DES, 1% SEV with 60% N2


Common Error Codes:

Won’t power up:

Mostly cost by battery discharged or Bad Main PCB


O2 not responding:

Most likely a defective O2 cell.


No readings and reading VSM H/W ERROR:

Most likely Defective Main PCB or bench problem.


SAM 80
G7, 866173
Gas Module 3
AG Gas Module
E-sCO, E-sCOV, E-sCAiO, E-sCAiOV - Gas Module - Single Wide.png
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OEM Out of Support 12/31/2022

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